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作者:说说控 时间:2023-03-10 14:39:06 阅读:()

1、May you have the best of your life and be sincere and kind. 愿你此生尽兴,赤诚善良。

2、Wish somebody and you wander, a gentle day never against. 愿有人与你颠沛流离,以温柔计日从不违心。


3、Rely on I don't need your false! 我不需要你那虚伪的依靠。

4、We’d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past. 后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。

5、Can not say what is called the mind, the person can not stay called the story. 说不出的话叫心事,留不住的人叫故事。

6、In fact, you hypocritical than anyone else ,事实上,你比任何人都虚伪

7、Do not wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect

8、Best feeling someone knows you're hesitant

9、I m forced to fake a smile, a laugh everyday of my life

10、If you’re brave to say “good bye”, life will rewardyou with a new “hello”. 如果你勇于对过去说“拜拜”,生活就会回赠给你一个新的“哈喽”。

11、I have no alternative 【vs】 我别无选择


12、A dress is like a barbed fence It protects the premises without restricting the view 服饰就象铁丝网,它阻止你冒然行动但并不妨碍你尽情的观看。

13、Belong to you, no one can take away; can take away, not belong to you, better will come! 属于你的,没人能拿走;能拿走的,都不属于你,更好的一定会到来!

14、We are not wrong, but the wind blew away the promise. 我们都没有错、只是风吹散了承诺。

15、Nobody could ever replace you. 没有人能代替得了你

16、纯浓的巧克力,就像初尝爱情的滋味那般美好。 (Pure strong chocolate, just like the taste of love to be the first tastes good.)

17、Where cold,where to stay. 哪儿凉快哪呆去

18、Who never had a scar of youth

19、Not too much time to waste,I can only slowly appreciate. 没有太多的时间可以给我挥霍 只能慢慢学会珍

20、Bitch is affectedly unconventional( 贱人就是矫情。)

21、I cannot cry Because I know that's weakness in your eyes 我不能哭 因为我知道这在你眼里是软弱的表

22、everybody wants to rule the world 每个人都想统治世界

23、Sometimes it's better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you

24、Know, how again recover also just air. 明知道,再怎么挽回也只是空气。

25、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.爱是长

26、Love you as you fade all pride. 喜欢你才为你褪去所有的傲气。


28、Will you be touched only after I left you?是不是等我离开了,你才会感动?

29、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.距离使两颗心靠得更近。

30、I never lack love, the person I love, is you.我从来都不缺爱,只是希望爱我的那个人 ,是你

31、From now on,I will expect nothing, and just take what I get. 从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。

32、Do you have any good place,I always pay attention to you 你有什么好的,让我一直注意你。

33、You light up m

34、Love means never having to say you are sorry

35、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

36、Go out and the world is before you. If you can't get out, you're in the world. 走出去,世界就在眼前;走不出去,眼前就是世界。

37、May have to lose. 【年月把拥有变为失去】

38、You never know how I feel holding my phone waiting for you. 你永远不知道我抱着手机等你的感觉。

39、One's real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself. 一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。

40、Do you know what’s so hard about being too strong? Nobody might care to ask if you are OK. 你知道太过坚强的后果是什么吗?是没人会关心地问你一句“你还好吗”。

41、I never said I was afraid of losing me. 从未有人说过害怕失去我。

42、Catch one's heart,never be apart.愿得一人心,白首不相离。

43、Far from eyes,far from heart. 【vs】 眼不见,心不念。

44、My temper off a lot of people but the most people really. 我的脾气赶走了很多人但留下了最真的人。

45、I'm just actors, always in someone else's story, his tears flow. 我只是个戏子,永远在别人的故事里,流着自己的眼泪。

46、The second i still read with you in different ways to love you

47、I have a stubborn will be siring. 我有多倔强就有多坚强。

48、You let me put don't open hand. 你放开了手,我放不开手。


50、One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory. 想要得到幸福的关键之一就是你要学会健忘。

51、We are not perfect people, but we have to accept their own imperfections. 我们都不是很完美的人,但我们要接受不完美的自己。

52、I'm afraid I can not catch you, just leave me alone. 我怕我抓不住你,留下我个人孤独。

53、ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴍᴇ.你是遇到比我更好的人了吗

54、人生的最大遗憾莫过于错误地坚持了不该坚持的,轻易地放弃了不该放弃的……The most regret ion of live is insist on something that shouldn't be insisted on, give up something that shouldn't be given up

55、Love is born of heart, not mind. 爱情生于情感而不是出于理智。


