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qq个性签名男生英文 、Are

作者:说说控 时间:2023-06-12 20:28:54 阅读:()

1、My spirit and soul, keep waiting in your heart the door 我的灵和魂魄,不停守候在你心门口

2、Is to prop up the covered all over with cuts and bruises, but also strong, life is not long, since you have come, just want to live in beautiful!

3、Painful but not silent but not language. 痛而不言 笑而不语。

4、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. -- Thomas Addison 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。 -- 爱迪生

5、I don't want to be your entire world, just the best thing in it. 我不想成为你的整个世界,只要是你世界里最美好的事物就好。

6、I'm not sure about my direction, but I hope I can go a little further. 我不太肯定我的方向,但是我希望自己能走的远一点。

7、Time it know my world there are no arrivals. 时光它是否知道我的世界还有无来者。

8、I don't know your heart 我不知你心。

9、Touch the air once again miss you breath. 用手触摸空气,再一次怀念你的气息。

10、Can your self-esteem and my stubborn reconciliation? 你的自尊能和我的倔强和好如初吗?

11、I miss you. A little too much,a little too often,and a little more everyday. 我想你,有一点点深,有一点点频繁,还一天比一天更浓。

12、You can be happy to live just by yourself.However, it cannot be called bless." "一个人生活,可以很快乐!可是,只有一个人,便不能说是幸福。

13、I created you concede the fact that I do not have to love again perfunctory explanation. 我的退让造就了你们相爱的事实我不必再敷衍再解释。

14、She is charming because she is good at being herself. 她很迷人,因为她很擅长做她自己。

15、The direction of the tree, determined by the wind; the direction of people, their decision. 树的方向,由风决定;人的方向,自己决定。

16、你如星辰入海 似万鲸于宇宙You are like a star in the sea, like a whale in the universe

17、Only after many years, I grey-haired, face the old, you still hold my hands, the gentle slope. 只愿多年后,我白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,你仍牵我双手,倾世温柔。

18、"I may not be the best, but I'm definitely not like the rest.也许我不是最好的,但我一定是最特别的。"

19、I want to be different in your heart.我想成为你心中的特别

20、Were it not for youth is short, and who would want to still time.    若非青春苦短,谁会想来日方长。

21、Accompany me to go to the future from a friend to become an old friend. 陪我走到以后 从知己变成老友。

22、If we are meant to meet again, then we will meet again. 如果我们注定要再次见面,那我们就会再见。

23、I put up with all the last hand, I can not tolerate anything. 我容忍了所有最后反倒什么都容不下我。

24、I just want someone to be afraid of losing me. 我只想要有个害怕失去我的人。

25、Many things, it is to should be passes years precipitation will gradually becoming clearer. 许多事情,都是要经过岁月的沉淀才会逐渐清晰起来。

26、Time always save the best for last. 【vs】 时间总是把最好的人留到最后。

27、It's been a long day without you my friend. 没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长。

28、Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness. 【vs】 悲伤已经够难受了,更何况是隐藏悲伤。

29、女孩子都是神明遗落在世间的宝藏.Girls are treasures left by the gods

30、As long as I love you,it does not matter whether you love me.你不爱我没关系,只要我爱你就好。

31、If you don't pick up whose flowers, you won't grow up with anyone. 不接谁的花 不陪谁长大

32、Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?

33、We believe, our future.(我们相信、我们的未来。)


34、Give me your sad,I want you happy. 把你难过给我,我要你快乐

35、We often ignore those we love, but love who ignore us. -----我们经常忽略那些喜欢我们的人,却喜欢那些忽

36、If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello

37、To shape your own process is very painful, but in the end you can gain a better yourself. 塑造自己过程很疼,但最终你能收获一个更好的自己。

38、You will shine but hurt my heart. 你会发光却刺痛了我的心。

39、When you are totally at peace with yourself, nothing can shake you. 如若内心真得和谐平静,什么也不会撼动你。

40、Sometimes you must let it go , to see if there was anything worth holding on to. 有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否它真的值得你拥有。

41、She likes him. He likes her. Everyone knows, except them. 她喜欢他,他喜欢她。所有人都知道,除了他们

42、You belong with me。 你应该和我在一起。

43、A word of goodbye, two of the world. 一句再见,两个世界。

44、He sees through all of your weaknesses and. 他看穿了你所有的软弱和不堪。

45、The photos on my wall remind me that you were once real 我墙上的照片提醒我 你曾经真实

46、It's great to have you in the world and I only wish that the time would be peaceful in our rest of lives

47、Years good long you can forget. 岁月好漫长 你也好难忘。

48、The time will precipitate. 时间会沉淀伤痛。

49、Adversity is the midwife of genius.逆境造就天才。

50、Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb. 你勇敢,世界就会让步。如果有时它战胜你,你要不断地勇敢再勇敢,它就会屈服。

51、Silence is a girl's loudest cry. (沉默是一个女孩最大的哭声。)


