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作者:说说控 时间:2023-03-24 15:34:44 阅读:()

1、Your life does not get better by chance,it gets better by change. 你想要更好的生活,不是靠运气就可以,而是需要自己去改变。

2、I want to be your favorite hello, and your hardest goodbye. 我想成为你最喜欢见到的和最不舍得说再见的人。

3、It has better to misses to meet 相见不如怀念

4、The most beautiful word in English language word is YOU. 最美的英文单词,就是你!

5、There are branches of wood eucalyptusI don’t know if I’m happy. 山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知

6、The coming days would be long. After all, not to the grey-haired 来日方长,终究长不到白发苍苍


8、A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. 一个真正快乐的人是那种在走弯路时也不忘享受风景的人。

9、My heart overflowed with tenderness. 我的心里充满了柔情。

10、Love never dies. 【vs】 爱情永不死。

11、I must try and face problems properly – I am not scared of it. (我必须尝试着勇于面对困难—我并不害怕。)

12、I know I do not leave you, so I utter not a single word. 我深知我留不住你,所以我不言不语。

13、Doubt is the key to knowledge. 怀疑是知识的钥匙。

14、Because o

15、There will be a tear that lets you grow in a twinkling. 总会有一次流泪,让我们瞬间长大。

16、Even next second we didn't meet, on one second we will meet.(即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一

17、Can't be with my long why you pretended to love me. 不能伴我长久你何必假装深爱我。

18、You be more beautiful, also enemy nevertheless such beauty 你再美,也敌不过红颜祸水

19、Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people. 时光的宿命就是见证人们的过错。


21、The past is gone which took away is just the time, but have not taken away missing. 白驹过隙,带走的只是时间,却不曾带走思念。

22、Never seeing each other becomes the best wish between you and me. 永不相见变成了你我之间最好的祝愿。

23、Even if the road is not flat also should make oneself of the sun

24、sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom. 有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才会怒放。

25、I may not love you because owning is the beginning of losing.-----我可能不会爱你,因为拥有就是失去的开

26、I miss you. I miss you. I miss you (我遇见你我思念你我错过你)

27、bitch is born a poser. 贱人就是矫情。


29、Just to mature, but also old, time, not by. 刚要成熟,又要老去,时光,好不经用。

30、We believe, our future. 我们相信、我们的未来。

31、Because I like, so reluctantly, not so much why.——因为喜欢,所以情愿,没有那么多为什么。

32、Some person's figure made me glance recognition (总有人的背影让我一眼人认出)

33、I love you, so I tolerate all of you 我爱你,所以我容忍你的一切

34、If you shed tears when you miss the sun will also miss the stars. 若你因失去太阳落泪那你也会错失繁星。

35、The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗

36、Memories are like leaves blew me, why I want to grasp not to live, to escape escape. 回忆像落叶吹过我身旁,为什么我想抓抓不住,想逃逃不掉。

37、Give me courage, let me go on to disturb you. 给我勇气吧 让我可以继续打扰你。

38、I want someone to understand me even I don't say a word. 我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没说。

39、I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it. 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道

40、Tired, sad, squat down, give yourself a hug. 累了,难过了,就蹲下来,给自己一个拥抱。


42、I love three things in this world: sun, moon and you. 在这个世界上我喜欢三件事:太阳、月亮和你。

43、Love is a dashed line, we in different paragraph. 爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落。

44、Wind whispers eventually hoarse people don't have far to go home

45、However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names 不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。

46、Raising the mouth, and keep smiling 扬起嘴角,继续微笑。

47、You are really good but we don't fit (你真的很好可是我们不合适)

48、Time is a great author, and it will certainly write the most perfect answer. 时间是个伟大的作者,它必将会写出最完美的答案。

49、The leaves fall in autumn, take not to go is summer injury. 落叶飘零的秋天,带不走的是夏伤。

50、Do not let yourself live like a joke. 不要让自己活得像个笑话

51、I began to learn to imagine, craft a only hello I place

52、"The more people you know, the more you know about garbage sorting ”“ 认识的人越多 越知道垃圾要分

53、Look forward with hope, not backwards with regret. 带着希望向前看,而不是带着悔恨退缩。

54、I would like to be a single-cell organisms, heartless creature alive. 我想做个单细胞生物,没心没肺的活着。

55、Like a light sudden breaks through the darkness, snatching pierced my world, is not warm. 像是冲破黑暗突如其来的一道光,硬生生的刺入我的世界,却无关温暖。


