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作者:说说控 时间:2023-06-30 08:01:11 阅读:()

1、Sometimes the best things in life happen against the odds. 生命中最美好的东西,有时是需要克服很多困难才能遇上的。

2、Sometimes,you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you that the hell happened

3、Love is making you go bananas. 恋爱把你变得疯疯癫癫的。

4、Something is a knot when you reserve it,a scar when it's opened. 有些事情,不谈是个结,谈开了是个疤。


5、Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others` lives. 做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命中的看客。


7、You, you are all! While you were away, all is you. 【vs】 你在时,你是一切。你不在时,一切是你。

8、A person walking down the street, suddenly remind of lonely I love you. 一个人走在寂寞的街,忽然想起我爱你

9、The best is always last.I will leave the best for you. 最好的总是留在最后 我也要把最好的自己留给最后的你。

10、Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time. 【vs】 请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

11、This winter, no surprise, no temperature, no relationship. 这个冬天 没有惊喜 没有温度 没有关系。

12、I am just a prisoner of love 我只是做了爱情的奴隶

13、I pretended to be indifferent to it

14、I'm fine, thanks for not asking.我很好。谢谢你的忽略。

15、You don't have much good, I like it. ( 你不用多好,我喜欢就好。)

16、you are nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。

17、When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons t

18、Actions speak louder than words

19、This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it . 我就是我,没人非要你喜欢!

20、ne of the biggest mistake girls always make is falling too hard for a guy. 女孩子容易犯的最大错误之一,就是对一个男人用情太深。

21、Forget loved the talent to the past seriously. 忘不了爱过的人才对过往认真。

22、The status quo

23、If I am the girl in your dreams. 如果我是你梦里的女孩。

24、, love you fore

25、I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon! 我爱你,天涯海角,不离不弃!

26、Softhearted is sick, but you are life. 心软是病,可你是命

27、If have no you How do I go down. (如果没有你我如何走下去)


29、Nevermind,I will find someone like you. 没关系,我会找到某个像你的他。

30、you are my dream of dead.你是我已死去的梦。

31、I wo

32、I'm not as strong as you think , but I can't find the place where the weak can rest. 我没有想象的坚强,但却找不到让懦弱休息的地方。

33、The world is full of chances for us to meet, but I never meet you. 世界充满了我们相遇的几率,我却始终无法遇见你。

34、Please don't pretend to be nice, I am very silly, will take it seriously

35、If you want something, don't wish for it. Life is too short to wait. 你若想要得到,就别只是期望。人生短暂,经不起等待。

36、Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.无论过去发生什么,最好的尚未到来。

37、You will never understand why I have that mighty proud. 你们永远不懂,我为何拥有不可一世的骄傲。

38、My biggest fear is leaving 我最害怕的是离别,

39、Bankruptcy is one of the greatest despair, the greatest asset is hope

40、I acted like it was not a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart.我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已

41、Loveisnotamatterofcountingthedays.It'smakingthedayscount. 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。

42、You see how ridiculous my wishful thinking was

43、Be with you.和你在一起

44、Feelings can be controlled,but tears never lie. 情绪可以控制,但眼泪不会撒谎。

45、People can be disappointed to what extent, but repeatedly refresh. 人能失望到什么程度,却屡屡刷新。

46、Life is too short to meet the people you like. 一生太短暂,遇到喜欢的人就要认真喜欢。

47、In the story of your life, don’t let anybody else hold the pen. 不要让他人执笔,来书写你的生命故事。

48、To blossom blue is to blossom without you. 我安静的忧伤,在失去你的回忆中绽放。

49、No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. ——不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。

50、The direction of the tree, determined by the wind; the direction of people, their decision. 树的方向,由风决定;人的方向,自己决定。

51、Didn't you imagination of so nostalgic 你没想象之中那么恋旧

52、I feel at ease as long as you are with me. 只要你在,我就心安。

53、Life is filled with black生活就是填不满的黑色

54、One day, lonely defeated the happiness. 终有一天,孤独打败了快乐。

55、Love doesn't walk away, people do. 爱是不会离开你的,会离开你的是人。


