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作者:说说控 时间:2023-06-26 07:08:36 阅读:()

1、Life is a on return journey. 人生是一段没有退路的旅程。

2、Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝。

3、Do the most true to yourself, will mee. 做最真实的自己,才会遇到最该遇见的那个人。

4、The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on

5、Failure is not final, we still have a long way to go. 失败并非终点,我们仍有很长的路要走。

6、Happiness is when the desolated soul meets love。 幸福是

7、Life is a on

8、while we are still young, go crazy . 趁我们还年轻, 疯狂吧。

9、I walked, in a smile, please look through me.我走,在有笑容的时候,请把我表情看透。

10、There is always someone who lives in his heart,but says goodbye in his life. 总有一个人一直住在心里,却告别在生活里。

11、You think time is the best side, and the result is it was treated with all skin trauma. 你以为时间是最好的偏方,结果治好的全是皮外伤。

12、Strong beautiful than sentimental [ 坚强比矫情漂亮。]

13、It is fully aware that I am not the protagonist of the story,Why would you write me in the story. 明知我不是故事的主角,何必要把我写进故事里。

14、When it has is lost, brave to give up. 【vs】 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。

15、The same can not withstand the ravages of time, emotion, to the time it will cool 感情一样经不起时间的摧残 到时间就会凉。

16、不赶什么浪潮,也不搭什么船,我有属于我自己的海。 I don't catch any waves or take any boats. I have my o

17、Let time to my deep love man.愿时光善待我深爱之人

18、At some point,you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart,but not in your life ——在某种意义上,你必须意识到,有的人适合停留在你的心里,而不是你的生活中。

19、There's no need to severely care what doesn't belong to you. 不属于自己的,又何必拼了命的去在乎。

20、Someone loves everything you hate about yourself

21、While many of the past have become the past, but I cherish the beautiful but stay in the original. 当许多往事都成了往事,但我所珍惜的美好却停留在最初。

22、I would rather love someone I can`t have than have someone I can`t Love. 我宁愿爱上一个我不能拥有的人,也不想拥有一个我无法爱上的人。

23、When the memory on the bank. 当记忆涌上年代已久的堤岸。

24、I just want to be different in your heart. 我想成为你心中的特别。

25、But it's time to face the truth I will never be with you

26、I am the proud queen 我是高傲的女王

27、I was still in situ, silly wait you back. .我还在原地,傻傻的等你回来。

28、Jump is also I love the heart also 心脏还跳就还爱i

29、My name is not heard from others

30、North of the city to the north is not to miss. 北城以北思念不归。

31、waking up I see that everything is ok 睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演

32、Behind each song has a story. 每首歌的背后,都有一个故事。

33、Life to this person, not easy, love each other to old, not greasy. 一生得此一人,不易,彼此相爱到老,不腻。

34、If I know what love is, it is because of you. 如果我知道什么是爱的真谛,都是因为你。

35、l still fight while l can fight. 我仍在挣扎趁我还有余力。

36、A girl needs to wear two things to look great : Confidence and Smile ! 随身带着这两样东西的女生看起来都会很棒:自信和微笑

37、Never forget who was with you from the start. 【vs】 永远不要忘记陪你开始的那个人。

38、Not to be lonely and huen dyed was greatly. 不要让孤单,渲染了寂寞。

39、Forgive me for not warm myself but still want to be your sun. 原谅我温暖不了自己却还想做你的太阳。


40、When everything goes by there will be gentle moonlight ahead .【世事千帆过 前方终会是温柔和月光.】

41、Don't let someone else's words take away your happiness today. 不要因为别人的一句话而夺走你今天的快乐。

42、I love a man should not love . 我爱着一个不该爱的人

43、You be more beautiful, also enemy nevertheless such beauty 你再美,也敌不过红颜祸水

44、I miss you, but without a trace ( 我好想你,却不露痕迹 )

45、Sometimes,miss is not time,is feeling. 有时候,我们错过的不是时间,是感觉。

46、Don't look back, just haven't found leave your reasons. 不回头,只是还没找到留下的理由。

47、Not crave forever,because too far. 不奢求永远 因为太远。

48、You Are My Sunshine

49、I wrote the text is always so sad piecemeal afraid to speak sounding. 我写的文字总是这般零碎 不敢把忧伤说得冠冕堂皇。

50、If you do not want to embrace, then learn to be strong. 如果没有想要的拥抱,那就先学会坚强。


52、I will always stay here by your side 我会一直陪在你身边

53、I’m just an ordinary women. i just ask stability for my sentiment. 我只是个平凡的女人,感情也只贪个安稳。

54、I wo

55、I don.t want to live without you.我的生命中不能没有你。

56、You are not like a weed on my half good when it grows. 你未对我半分好 偏巧这感情疯长似野草。

57、I'm fine you and she is also very good

58、You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump. 你不能总是等着时机成熟,有时候,你必须要主动搏一把。

59、Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory

60、色色,你就是我心中的那个Mr.right 。我的?只属于Mr.right一个人 ! .*★*. .*★ *.* ★ ★,LOVEXO!

61、Vulnerable to the attack had been past hope 百毒不侵的人也曾无可救药过

62、No one knows when I am not happy. 我不开心的时候,根本没有人知道。

63、I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。

64、I wish you loved me. 但愿你爱过我。

65、He are the sun,he can shine,in my hand hug he will let me hurt 他是太阳会发光,我伸手拥抱会受伤

66、Ifyoudonotthinkaboutyourfuture,youcannothaveone. 如果你不思考自己的未来,你就不会有未来。

67、Can not get is forever, forget was once. 到不了的就是永远, 忘不了的就是曾经。

68、Ineedtobelievelovecanlast. 我真的想去相信爱是可以长久的。

69、Hold on to whatever keeps you warm inside. 【vs】 留住让你内心温暖的一切。

70、I can feel you near me. 【vs】 我能感觉你就在我身边。

71、我真的 - 十分 . 想送你去太平洋swimming

72、Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand. 有时候需要狠狠摔一跤,我们才知道自己的立场。

73、I don't think whether can succeed, since the choice of the distance, they only trials and hardships. 我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程

74、Tears like raia 【vs】 泪滴像倾盆大雨。

75、Only one, you are my only faith 唯你是我唯一的信仰。

76、You love so deep so serio 你爱的那么深、那么认真

77、Tell a joke to commemorate my. [讲个笑话纪念我]

78、I want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye.我要成为他最心动的相遇,最不舍的离别。

79、I've been stressing to fall back in love with you


80、If I change shape, and you forget the time. 若不是我变了摸样,便是你淡忘了时光。

81、Holding too tightly will not be boring no gap. 抱太紧会不会令人生厌毫无空隙。


