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欧美男英文个性签名 would

作者:说说控 时间:2023-06-17 20:45:23 阅读:()

1、We've gone through so much but eventually we come back to where we were

2、I'm just a prisoner of love.(我只是做了爱情的奴隶)

3、We are always afraid of each time separation and looking forward to meet every time. 我们总是害怕每一次的分离又憧憬每一次的相遇。

4、Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye. 有时候,除了说再见,别无选择。

5、i need him like i need the air to breathe

6、l'm alone,but l'm not lonely.(我独自一人,但我并不孤独)

7、Sometimes I just need to hear you sayEverything’s gonna be OK. 有时候我只是需要听到你说:一切都会好的

8、Do not let yesterday too much of today. 不要让太多昨天占据你的今天。

9、I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry

10、Con una sfrenata un'occ

11、不是所有的童话都能从long long ago 到 forever love

12、The heart of a loved one is the best house. 对相爱的人来说,对方的心才是最好的房子。

13、Never underestimate your power to change yourself! (永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!)

14、Enjoy being busy and adapting to loneliness. 享受忙碌 适应孤独

15、I want to touch your hair as before. 我想摸摸你的头发像以前一样。

16、time although squandering but was not wasted. 时光虽然挥霍却并未蹉跎。

17、Empty heart, is the best gift; Alone the way, is the most beautiful scenery. 放空的心,是最好的礼物;独走的路,是最美的风景。

18、If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。

19、In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. 要想让自己无可替代,你必须总是与众不同。

20、I have poor helpless you pass by pass by way of desolation. 我也曾路过孤苦路过无助途径你的荒芜。

21、You don't have much good, I like it. (你不用多好,我喜欢就好)

22、Glass is fragile heart 杯子易碎人心可谓

23、I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow. 今天我爱你,比昨天多,但不如明天

24、Lifeless, faultless. 只有死人才不犯错误。

25、True love from the heart not the mouth. 真正的爱来自心脏不是口腔

26、Sprinkle with all the tears, the rest of the should be strong. 洒下所有的泪水,剩下的应该是坚强。

27、You no good, but deep in my heart 你没什么好的,却深得我心。

28、Someone who cares is eligible for unknown whereabouts.有人关心 才有资格下落不明

29、I hope one day, I love you can write upside down. 希望有一天,我爱你可以倒过来写。

30、Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel ——距离是一种考验,为了看看爱到底能走多远。

31、If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to 如果没有别离 成长也就无所附丽。

32、May. I. was. dying. with. my. weak. hand. for you

33、Sometimes things happen between people that make it impossible for them to stay together. 有时候,两个人之间发生的事会让两个人没办法再在一起。

34、There was no one ahead. I didn't know who to run to. 前面没有人,我不知道要跑着迎接谁。

35、Those who used to say never separated, have scattered in the horizon. 那些以前说着永不别离的人,早曾经散落在天涯了。

36、l have you. That is all I need.我有你,就够了。

37、Silence is a girl's loudest cry. (沉默是一个女孩最大的哭声。)

38、Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain 生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。

39、Don't judge me. You only see what I choose to show you. 不要妄加评断我,你看到的,只是我选择让你看到的。

40、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles、 It might be the only sunshine he sees all day、 今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。

41、We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us 。 我们看错了世界,却说世界欺骗了我们

42、Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful,not for others,but for myself. 要努力使每一天都开心而有意义,不为别人,为自己。

43、Not worry so much about do not care abo ut it. 不是不在乎而是太在乎。

44、He finally found the blazes her glow. 发光的他终于找到了扑火的她。

45、You and I separatend is inevilable 你我的走散是必然的

46、How much you hate yourself now, how much effort you have to pay. 你有多厌恶现在的自己你就要付出多少的努力。


