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英文微信个性签名带翻译 Sharp

作者:说说控 时间:2023-05-30 18:01:27 阅读:()

1、Distance doesn't ruin a relationship. Doubts do


3、smile is the shortest distance between two people.微笑是两个人之间最短的距离。

4、Easy to hurt others and self, always to the edge of the distance unclear person. 容易伤害别人和自己的,总是对距离的边缘模糊不清的人。

5、Perfect day, only need to raise your mouth, with a good mood, big step forward. 完美的一天,只需要扬起你的嘴角,带着好心情,大步向前走。

6、所有的一切从 I do not

7、Everyone has their sadness what they want to hide but try to cover up. 每个人都有一段悲伤,想隐藏却欲盖弥彰。

8、Sharp tools make good work

9、Always welcome a new day with a smile. 总是用微笑去迎接新的一天。

10、Do not surrender to this dark woeld. 别向这个混蛋的世界投降。

11、Love it or not , we have became the passer . 不管你爱或不爱,我们已成路人。

12、Pain is a part of growth. ——疼痛是成长的一部分。

13、It's great to have you in the world and I only wish that the time would be peaceful in our rest of lives

14、all things are difficult before they are easy、 凡事必先难后易。

15、The eye Reamon fault will be can only see the very close future. 眼睛里蒙着的断层是只能看到咫尺的未来。

16、One of the most vulnerable places, is to want. 人最软弱的地方,是舍不得。

17、Never too old to learn、活到老,学到老。


19、The soul is not where it lives,but it loves.心不在它生活的地方,而在它所爱的地方。

20、We are the people who have suffered from the pain, and who have been bleeding for the rest of their lives

21、I may not love you because owning is the beginning of losing. 我可能不会爱你,因为拥有就是失去的开始。

22、I am not proud, nor is it nonsense, and simply rely on. 我不是高傲,也不是胡闹,只是简单的依靠。

23、heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on. 听说幸福很简单。简单到时间一冲就冲淡。

24、No matter how cold the body, no cold heart

25、Is very sweet, very bitter, and that is love. 很甜、很苦,那就是爱情

26、Learn to let go,set him free

27、Alive alive, walk. Love with love, to spread. 活着活着,就走了。 爱着爱着,就散了。

28、Are there only to leave, you will never care about. 是不是只有离开,你才会有所在乎。

29、I'm proud of you shed a suit but you turned to her smile . 我为你褪去一身骄傲你却转身对她微笑

30、A hug from you will make everything better. 你的一个拥抱就可以让一切都好起来。

31、Someone and I say forever when I won't agonistic never tears. 再有人和我说永远的时候我不会再血脉喷张不会再热泪盈眶。

32、Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy、 生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。

33、We all just in time to run the ever-flowing loading. 我们都只是在时光的长流里负重狂奔。

34、When I'm good I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better

35、Sleep when tired and smile when awake 睡眠的时候累了 笑醒着的

36、Down enough to let go. 失望攒够了就放手吧。

37、Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes. 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。

38、I can do substitutes but never do doubles. 我可以做替代品,但绝不做替身。

39、I would break every rule I had just to see you be happy. 我可以放弃一切原则,只为取悦于你

40、Love, no crack password. 爱情密码,无人破解。

41、I 'm just flok ,I have mood swings. 我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。

42、What you see reflects what your heart is like. 你看到什么样的世界,你就拥有什么样的内心. I just want to hug you so much right now. 我真的好想现在就拥抱你

43、A cat has nine lives onil in one 猫有九命也只有一心而已。

44、After alcohol does not leave a hand more love freedom. 【vs】 以后烟酒不离手 更热爱自由。

45、No matter you casually hurt by I can smile to forgive. 没关系你随便伤凭我能够笑着原谅。

46、Take me into your future you. 带我到你的未来。

47、I want to have you around, not for a while, but a lifetime. 我想要身边有你,不是一阵子,而是一辈子。

48、The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。

49、You never know how much people like you who will laugh when you see you.你永远不知道那些一见你就会笑

50、The best kind of feelings in life are the ones you can't explain. 生命中最美好的感受往往妙不可言。

51、Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

52、you give me a cave, surrounded by the rain.真

53、Say your love today , the chance may come late . ———— 爱就要勇敢表

54、It is difficult to forget the love of people, so I have been trying. 很爱的人很难忘记 所以我在一直努力。

55、If I forget you, you will not feel hard to breathe.如果我就此忘了你,你会不会觉得难呼吸。

56、Later you mature but also do not love to laugh. 后来你成熟了 可是也不爱笑了。

57、Is very sweet, very bitter, and that is love. 很甜、很苦,那就是爱情。

58、Have a good first now will have in the future. ( 先过好现在才会有未来.)

59、More smaller than their glory years of the time with the silly. 再多各自牛逼的岁月也比不上一起傻逼的时光。

60、We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public. 我们从未真正长大,我们只是在别人面前学会了假装。

61、Hopefully in the future, whether or not each of the seasons of loneliness will not be let down

62、The words I love you, lost in the unease

63、Your heart I will never touch the city. 【vs】 你的心是我永远触摸不到的城。

64、daring,I want you。你竟不知


66、I thought I was me, but I have not. 我以为我还是那个我,可我已经不是了。

67、Life becomes so much better when you decide not to care as much. 当你不再在意那么多,生活会变得更好。

68、Don’t take yourself too seriously.( 别把自己太当回事了。)

69、Is not to pursue, but do not insist I don't care. 不是不追求,只是不强求。

70、Used to be min

71、Gradually fade out the E life let you, a person lead. 渐渐让迩淡出涐的生活,一个人过。

72、You always have reasons to say, but I have no excuse to leave. 你总有说不尽的理由,我却没有留下不走的借口。

73、The heart that once truly loves never forgets. 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。

74、Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day、即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。

75、Have we loved so very reskless. 曾经我们那么放肆的爱过

76、You are warm and backlighting. 你是温暖逆光而来。

77、Destiny determines who comes into our lives but it’s the heart that decides who stays inside. ——命运决定谁会进入我们的生活,内心决定我们与谁并肩。

78、The people you care about, you decided to see the world. 你关注的人,决定了你看到的世界。

79、You can't change the weather, but you can change your mood. 你不能左右天气,但你能转变你的心情。

80、Time can prove that I love you. 时间能证明我有多爱你。

81、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终

82、Know, how again recover also just air.(明知道,再怎么挽回也只是空气)

83、Thank you for your company, whether you accompany me to the end or not. 不论你是否陪我走到终点 都感谢你曾经的陪伴。

84、There’s always a bit of something hidden when you say ‘nothing’. 每次当你说“没事”的时候,心里多少都藏着点事。

85、your name with my life.(你的名字伴我生老病死.)

86、I wish I could choose which memories to remember

87、Do it now. Sometimes later becomes never. 现在就行动,要不然有时候等一下会变成永远。

88、Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. 不要浪费时间敲一堵墙,你无法将其变做一扇门。

89、执念也好 是爱也罢 及时止损 平安喜乐. Persistence or love worth timely stop loss peace and joy

90、Lovers become friends after all

91、He has been away from me, only the tube near to him. 他已经离我而去,仅管他近在咫尺。

92、I wish

93、Every day without you is like a book without pages. 【vs】 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

94、Don't promise me forever, just love me day by day. 不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。

95、Life is merely a drop of

96、Chase your dreams or let them go. 或执于你梦,或坦然放手。

97、Faded memories, painful reality. 淡了回忆,痛了现实。


