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作者:说说控 时间:2023-05-03 17:40:54 阅读:()

1、Love, but not to talk, from no words to say nothing. 爱情,不过是从无话不谈,到无话可说。

2、Tears are the words which the heart can not say. 眼泪是心无法诉说的话语。

3、What matters more is how well he treats you, not how good he is. 重要的不是他有多好,而是他对你有多好。

4、你的名字是我久治不愈的病Votre nom est ma maladie en permanence

5、Never mind I ll find someone like you

6、I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。

7、胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it

8、Life is funny if you know how to laugh at it 若懂得笑看人生,生活其实很有趣。

9、我的脾气赶走了很多人 但留下了最真的人 My temper off a lot of people but the most people

10、Deep love person hide the heart does not hang mouth. 深愛的人藏心不掛嘴。

11、Passing is fleeting moment, miss is eternal. 路过是一瞬,错过是永恒。

12、Just to be the next to be with you. 只想成为下一个永远陪伴你的人。

13、Life is like a dance, your first steps of the church who may not be able to walk with you. 人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人未必能陪你走到散场。

14、A cat has nine lives onil in one 【vs】 猫有九命也只有一心而已

15、You don't have much good, I like it. (你不用多好,我喜欢就好)

16、May your next love be an opponent, an equal, lasting and inseparable one. 愿你下一场恋爱,是棋逢对手,是势均力敌,是长久永固,是白首不相离。

17、Is not in the lonely time will think of me.是不是在寂寞的时候才会想起我。

18、Love is an open door. 爱是一扇打开的门。

19、If just like why inflated into love. 如若只是喜欢何必夸大成爱。

20、great hopes make great man、 伟大的理想造就伟大的人。

21、my world crumbles when you are not here 没了你的世界我会崩溃

22、We all have the same memories, is the only little some past. 我们都有同样的回忆,唯一就是少了些过去。。

23、Blink your eyes look, I will die, and then blink your eyes look, I will live, keep your eyes to blink to blink, I was half alive.你的眼睛眨一下,我就死去,你的眼睛再眨一下,我就活过来,你的眼睛不停地眨来眨去,于是我便死去活来。

24、Try to be the kind of person you like best, even if you don't succeed, at least you will enjoy yourself. 努力成为你最喜欢的那种人,就算不成功,至少你会喜欢这样努力的自己。

25、brlease give me a reason to forget you,who loves me so much. 给我一个理由忘记,那么爱我的你。

26、Never give up on hope, and hope will never give up on you. 如果你不抛弃希望,希望也不会抛弃你。

27、The time that you are m

28、Time is willing to let me make you well . 愿时光准我许你安好。

29、Time has taught me two things, one is to cherish and the other is to give up 时间教会了我两件事,一是

30、Just for once,let me love you 只此一次,让我爱你

31、Love you more than myself 爱你胜过爱自己

32、I warm you cold never mind is good. 你冷淡没关系 我暖一点就好了。

33、It's up to you what your world looks like. ——你的世界呈现出怎样的面貌,全由你

34、Your heart I will never touch the city. 【vs】 你的心是我永远触摸不到的城。

35、Behind every successful woman is herself. 每个成功女人的背后都是她自己。

36、I want someone to understand me ev

37、If you make a mistake, start over, not from scratch.(错了就从新开始,而不是重新开始)

38、If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave. 总在乎其他人怎么看你,那你会一直是他人的奴隶。

39、For in all adversity of for

40、Money doesn't grow on trees. 钱不是从天上掉下来的。

41、Have a FULL Thanksgiving day! 感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧!

42、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。

43、It's great to have you in the world and I only wish that the time would be peaceful in our rest of lives

44、When you and I were forever wild. 我们年少轻狂不惧岁月慢长

45、I love you not because I need you, I need you because I love you. 不是因为需要你所以爱你,是因为爱你所以需要你。

46、Fortunately, it was still young when I met you. 幸好遇见你时还年少。

47、Out of sight heart not to read 眼不见心不念


48、One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.That word is love. 有一个词可以让我们摆脱生活中所有的负担和痛苦,那就是"爱情"。

49、Don't cry for pain, do not feel. Don't ask, do not expect. 不喊痛,不一定没感觉。不要求,不一定没期待。

50、Two people along the street up, who also don't stay. 两个人沿着街一直走,谁也不许再停留。

51、I am not lazy,i just really enjoy doing noting. 我不懒,我只是喜欢什么也不做而已。

52、Do you know what it’s like to be around so many people and yet feel so alone? 身边这么多人,却依然感到孤单,你了解这种感觉吗?

53、to still be suffering is stupid after all of this time

54、We are not perfect people, but we have to accept their own imperfections. 我们都不是很完美的人,但我们要接受不完美的自己。

55、Love is like an hourglass,with the heart filling up as the brain empties. 爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。

56、[you can turn off the sun, but i am still gonno shine. 你可以让太阳暗下来,我却依旧流光溢彩。

57、I'm about to lose my mind,You've been gone for so long (我快要疯了你离开了太久。)

58、Don’t let the past steal your present. 别让过去悄然偷走了你的当下。

59、I hope time will heal the wounds. 我希望时间能抚平伤痕。

60、Remember someone said, miss no fate but less go courage. 记得有人说过,错过不是没缘份只是少了一起。

61、People want the truth... But don't want to be honest.人们总想知道真相,但是自己却不愿意说

62、Dance years. Stole many memories.婆娑的岁月,偷走了多少回忆。

63、The stupidest thing is to mistake others for your good最愚蠢的事就是把别人对你的好 误以为是爱

64、Life is not what you have gained but what you have done.生活不是你

65、She and he no more but no ending

66、After all, tomorrow is another day .毕竟,明天又是崭新的一天。——《飘》玛格丽特·米切尔

67、【Love is to rely on each other to maintain.】


