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qq女生英语个性优雅签名50句共赏 You

作者:说说控 时间:2023-07-18 22:56:45 阅读:()

1、Hope never abandons you;you abandon it. 希望从来不会放弃你,是你放弃了希望。

2、Bo desperately close to you that you want to know whether I favor in your heart. 不顾一切靠近你博你欢心想知道我是否在你心里。

3、lost self countless times

4、You have three choices in life: give in, give up, or give it your all. 人生中有三种选择:投降、放弃或者是全力以赴。

5、The time will precipitate. 时间会沉淀伤痛。

6、I will learn to give you because I love you

7、I want to try,but my pride told me not to. 我想哭泣,但我的骄傲不允许。

8、You said, love is too deep but don't let their destruction. 你说过,爱的太深却不要让自己沉沦

9、A day without laughter is a day wasted. 没有大笑的一天,等于浪费了一天。

10、You let me heartbeat also let me heartache

11、You are my only love.你是我唯一的爱。

12、Time tries all things. [时间检验一切]

13、Betterbyfaryoushouldforgetandsmilethanthatyoushouldrememberandbesad. 与其伤心回忆,不如微笑遗忘。

14、I want someone to understand me even I don't say a word. 我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没说。

15、Yesterday is today is memory,tomorrow is today is dream. 昨天只是今天的记忆,明天却是今天的梦想。

16、Life becomes so much better when you decide not to care as much. 当你不再在意那么多,生活会变得更好。

17、If you can't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.如果你不懂我的沉默,你也永远不

18、In life, co

19、I will be much better than the man I used to be 我会比以前的我表现更好。

20、If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello

21、You make me a wedding. 你许我一场婚礼。

22、If the world betrayed you , L wil standing behind you. betrating the world

23、You can smile, but not empathy 可以微笑,却无法感同身受

24、Not what I miss, but I can not go back the past. 我怀念的不是哪个人,而是我那回不去的曾经。

25、Small is malici


26、To commemorate the first memories moved. 让回忆纪念最初的感动。

27、To lose the pursuit of the lost, going to marry the well-being of the married. 要输就输给追求,要嫁就嫁给幸福。

28、The disappointment has never failed me. 该失望的事从来没有辜负过我。

29、I hope everything I've fought for will turn out to be what I want. ​​​​(玥)希望我所拼命争取的 最后

30、曾经那么疯狂如今这么迷惘 Once so crazy now so confused

31、Success is not difficulty, but rather who really did it. 成功不在难易,而在于谁真正去做了。

32、AS long AS you love me

33、Overthinking is what kills you

34、have islose the beginning 拥有就失去的开始。

35、Without you, even if you give the world to me, I have nothing. 没有你就算把世界给我我还是一无所有。

36、Has such reason to enable me to be possible to forget you? 有没有那么一个理由让我可以忘记你?

37、You don't have much good, I like it. 你不用多好,我喜欢就好。

38、I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但是我从不倒退。

39、The most painful but one person was a man. 最痛不过一人始一人终。

40、Sometimes it is better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you. 有时候,孤单一个人反而更好,没人伤害得了你。

41、Pale words who can see this person's bitter. 苍白的文字有谁会看出这一个人的辛酸。

42、Is immortal, even for a moment is fleeting that we love. 不朽的是我们,须臾的是我们转瞬即逝那爱情

43、I think,I think to muck!

44、You are safe in my heart, who can not be replaced. 你安全的住在我心里,谁也不能代替。

45、人生最不缺的就是替代品 Life is the lack of alternatives

46、You are very important to me. 你对我来说,很重要。

47、No words are necessary between two loving hearts. 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

48、Love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany. 爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。

49、When you I care is a joke 你当我的牵挂是笑话

50、I'm not ignoring you. I'm just waiting for you to talk to me first. 我不是不理你,我只是在等你先开口。

51、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

52、Now I go to wait with you always solitary retreat. 现在孤立无援的我该去怎样等待你始终闭关的孤灯。

53、In fact I really miss some people,something of some time. 其实我很想念某些时候的某些人某些事。

54、Some scenery, once to see into the heart, even in the moment, is eternal. 有些风景,一旦入眼入心,即便刹那,也是永恒。

55、I don’t want to be your entire world, just the best thing in it. 我不想成为你的整个世界,只要是你世界里最美好的事物就好。


