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作者:说说控 时间:2023-06-12 19:08:46 阅读:()

1、The love, is only one kind suffers. 爱,只是一种折磨。

2、You are the only one in this word.每个人都是这个世界上唯一的花

3、Crowded I pull you tight

4、Who never had a scar of youth.谁的青春不曾有过伤痕

5、My world, I know a person is good. 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。

6、Later you mature but also do not love to laugh. 后来你成熟了 可是也不爱笑了。

7、Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet tocome. 无论已往产生过什么,你要相信,最好的尚未到来。 "Lifedoesn'tgeteasier,youjustgetstronger. 生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变得坚强。

8、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

9、I love you even if you fall in love with another of her. 我喜欢你 哪怕你爱上了另一个她。

10、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again

11、you not feel consumes me how many tears. 你一句没感觉 消耗了我多少眼泪。

12、Even if I were lucky enough to be able to move you to tears, you wouldn't want to spend the rest of your life with me

13、If I know what love is, it is because of you. 如果我知道什么是爱的真谛,都是因为你。

14、Happy, stop, rain, you turn and later in fall. 快乐,停止了,雨滴,在你转身以后 落下。

15、Best friend, a beautiful word!闺蜜,一个唯美的名词!

16、I deserted for half a century did not wait for my followers. 我荒芜了半个世纪也没有等到我的信徒。

17、请把我留在最好的时光里 Please send me to stay in the best time

18、Please calm down, and think about what you really want. 请安静下来,想想什么是你真正想要的。

19、Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality. 无论什么,凭直觉去相信,都会成真。

20、Most of the time a lot of bad can not open that kind of feeling you will not understand. 很多时候很多难受无法开口 那种感受你不会懂。

21、Live like a cactus, but also eager to be embraced.活的像个仙人掌,却也渴望被拥抱。

22、时光与爱永不老去.Time and love never grows old

23、Live your own story, others don't need you. 过好自己吧 别人的故事不需要你了。

24、I miss you but i missed you (我想你,但是我错过了你)

25、No man cool call back yesterday. 时光流逝 不可复得。

26、I know that my future is not just a dream、我知道我的未来不是梦。

27、Youth is wasted on the young. 少年不懂惜韶华

28、爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火 Love warms more than a thousand fires

29、If I change shape, and you forget the time. 若不是我变了摸样,便是你淡忘了时光。

30、Before the doors close, this comes to an end. 在心门关上之前,爱将结束。

31、I came to your city , went through the way you passed

32、If one day you lost me, I‘ll never let you find me. 如果有一天你把我弄丢了,那我就永远让你找不到我。

33、I suddenly want to forget you, just like I didn't meet you. 我突然很想忘了你,就像从未遇见你。

34、Sometimes it is sunny and sometimes overcast.This is life 有时候阳光很好,有时候阳光很暗,这就是生活。

35、Memories so heavy. How do you move back. 回忆那么重,我怎么背的动. Eternity is not a distance but a decision. 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定

36、From now on, I will expect nothing, and just take what I get. 从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。

37、Believe is one kind of love. F

38、ou can only be young once, but

39、I don't know what to say no more. 我再也不知道该说什么了。

40、You why say sorry, in this leaves in autumn. 你又何必说抱歉,在这个落叶的秋天

41、How you tried to set them free

42、Heart gets cold and love gets tired,it's inevitable when you experience love

43、Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt 剽悍的人生不需要解释。

44、Together with the stars, you have tendered the world and all my dreams.你和星星一起,投标了世界和我所

45、My love for you will not give to others

46、Dye never-failing threads, missing only in suddenly. 染不尽的余温,思念只在恍然间。

47、Can not give you the best will help you want. 给不了你最好的 就成全你想要的。

48、Love doesn’t cost money, but it does require payment of your heart. 给爱情买单的,不是钱,是心。

49、Something is a knot when you reserve it,a scar when it's opened. 有些事,不说是个结,说了是个疤。

50、Love isn’t complicated , people are. 爱并不复杂,复杂的是人。

51、Destiny never

52、The happy blood is unable the backflow centripetal dirty. (幸福的血液无法回流向心脏。)

53、Better late than never只要开始,虽晚不迟

54、Something is a knot when you reserve it, a scar when it’s opened. 有些事,不说是个结,说了是个疤。

55、Accompany you through the road do not forget that is the best time. 陪你走过的路不要忘那是最好的时光。

56、If through time through love . 倘若时光看透爱

57、I was hanging on your words like I am sixteen. 情窦初开般仍执着于你的承诺。

58、Born free love fearless 生而无畏爱而自由

59、All i need is you needing me.——所有我需要的是你需要我

60、Say too much as silence think too much I will be sad. 说太多不如沉默 想太多我会难过。

61、Our ambiguous, so far[我们的暧昧、到此为止。]

62、if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well、 如果事情值得做,就值得做好。

63、If youth can come again, I think I must be a different look. 如果能重走青春 我想我一定是另一番模样

64、If all are the play, why should we played a less realistic.如果一切都

65、Just don't give up, we will never abandon. 只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃。

66、For my life, for your ten years of innocence

67、He said he loved me But now don’t have feeling. 他说他爱过我 但是现在没感觉了。

68、Want to live well, also want to love a person well. 想好好生活,也想好好爱一个人。

69、I am the proud queen 我是高傲的女王

70、Separate too much doubt how to hold you. [隔太多怀疑怎么能抱紧你.]

71、If we are meant to meet again, then we will meet again. 如果我们注定要再次见面,那我们就会再见。

72、You have put my heart on a lock but forgot to give me the key. 你把我的心上了锁却忘了把钥匙给我。

73、How to be happy: stop comparing yourself to others. 如何才能更快乐:不要再拿自己与别人比较。

74、Nothing is necessary. Everything is a choice. 没有什么事是必须的。每一件事都只是一个选择。

75、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be

76、I thought I was strong enough to recover for illness without medical help. 我一直以为自己强大到不药而愈。

77、Maybe short perhaps awkwardly live this way. 或许短暂或许难堪生活本该这样。

78、You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here

79、My heart is not open hours, not the restaurant at any time, welcome to. 我的心不是时营业的餐厅,没有随时的欢迎光临。



81、Do not lose face because people should not be lost. 千万不要因为面子而失去不该失去的人。

82、We've gone through so much but eventually we come back to where we were

83、You are my most adventure youth dream . 你是我年少时最冒险的梦。

84、I prefer simple refused to elaborate. 比起敷衍,我更喜欢简单的拒绝。

85、伤口上撒盐是为了消毒还是为了疼得更痛快 Add salt to the wound to disinfection or to hurt so much

86、The recollection cannot diverge, looks like the shadow to remain. 回忆散不去,像影子残留。

87、Time it know my world there are no arrivals. 时光它是否知道我的世界还有无来者。


